gzip -dc im-140.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd im-140
make install
% imsetup
Where is your home directory? [/home/akio] 
Where is your Mail directory? [/home/akio/Mail] 
/home/akio/Mail does not exist. Create it? [yes] yes
Creating /home/akio/Mail directory.
Directory /home/akio/Mail created.
Where is your News directory? [/home/akio/News] 
/home/akio/News does not exist. Create it? [yes] yes
Creating /home/akio/News directory.
Directory /home/akio/News created.
What is your E-mail address(es)? [] 
What kind of mail spool do you use? (local/POP/IMAP) [local] IMAP
What kind of IMAP authentication mechanism? (AUTH/LOGIN) [AUTH] 
What is your IMAP account name? [akio] 
What is your IMAP server name or IP address? []
What is your SMTP server name or IP address? [] 
Do you want to use value of Content-Length header for delimitation for local
mail? (Answer yes if your OS supports Content-Length header like Solaris 2.x,
otherwise answer no.) [no] 
Does your system can detect write errors without fsync(2)? (You can answer yes,
if your home directory is on local file system, otherwise answer no.) [no] yes

Directory /home/akio/.im created.
Setup /home/akio/.im/Config.
MEW 本体
gzip -dc mew-1.94.2.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd mew-1.94.2
vi Makefile
EMACS = emacs
ELISPDIR = /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/
make install
.emacs に以下を追加。
; Mew
(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(setq mew-mail-domain-list '(""))
(autoload 'mew-user-agent-compose "mew" nil t)
(if (boundp 'mail-user-agent)
    (setq mail-user-agent 'mew-user-agent))
(if (fboundp 'define-mail-user-agent)
(C) Akio Kitta 2000. All rights reserved.